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Image by Harisankar




Empowering truth
and sustainability 

SunMint, a transformative project under the TrueSight DAO umbrella, is a visionary initiative rooted in the pursuit of a better world founded on verifiable truth. Guided by our core values of autonomy, integrity, and diversity, SunMint embodies a novel approach to cryptocurrency mining while addressing the urgent challenges posed by the spread of fake news.

Image by Luke Chesser


Harnessing Off-Grid Potential

  • At its core, SunMint establishes a network of off-grid data centers, powered by solar energy and strategically located in remote desert regions.

  • Our approach reimagines cryptocurrency mining, ushering in a new era of sustainable and secure operations.

Fighting Fake News

  • SunMint’s significance extends beyond mining cryptocurrencies. It stands as a formidable barrier against the proliferation of fake news. In an age where advanced AI technology blurs the lines between fact and fiction, SunMint takes a stand.

  • By employing an independent large language model—an oracle of truth —we’re equipped to scrutinize news stories, providing accurate and unbiased information to our community.

Decentralization: A Path to Authenticity

  • Large tech corporations’ control over AI and information dissemination underscores the urgency of our mission. SunMint leverages decentralization to ensure that truth prevails over economic interests. Through renewable energy sources and cutting-edge technology, we safeguard our commitment to truth and integrity.

Abundant Solar Energy

Situated in deserts, SunMint harnesses solar power’s potential, offering an environmentally friendly energy source for our data centers.



SunMint’s presence ripples beyond technology. Local communities gain employment opportunities, education, and investment, fostering a positive relationship with our project.



Remote desert locations boast lower costs, combined with off-grid design, reducing infrastructure expenses.

Community Empowerment

SunMint’s presence ripples beyond technology. Local communities gain employment opportunities, education, and investment, fostering a positive relationship with our project.

Environmental Stewardship

Buried container architecture enhances efficiency, temperature regulation, and disaster protection. This approach promotes sustainability, blending in with the surroundings.


By integrating land restoration techniques and permaculture, we rejuvenate desert environments, enhance biodiversity, and contribute to food security.

Image by Luke Chesser


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